The day before Trigger arrives!
This is a picture of Gladys our Boston Terrier, five years ago, on the first day we brought her home. She looks a little worried but don't let her fool you. She took over our house and our hearts before we knew what was happening. I remember how nervous we were bringing her home. We finally got out in the car with just her and each other. We counted all her little toes and examined her tiny little needle teeth. We were so scared we wouldn't know how to care for her but it all just worked out fine.
I'm feeling the same nervous excitement today as I think about Trigger's arrival tomorrow. This will be a totally different ball game for us. Gladys was 3.5 pounds of baby girl Boston that was sweet and gentle from the moment she laid her tiny, iron paw on our hearts. Tomorrow we will go to the airport to pickup 12 pounds of bouncing baby boy border collie! We are going to find out the difference between a companion dog bred to warm your lap and a herding dog that has been bred to stare down and manage several tons of livestock simultaneously. Some might think I am insane (primarily my husband! ;-0). However, I am driven on by my twin loves or obsessions with dog training and dog agility. For those of you not familiar with sport of dog agility I'll include a few links.
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