Sunday, February 12, 2006

16 Week Progress Report

Trigger is 4 months old today. It's time to reassess how well he is learning his house manners and socialization.
The obedience commands are of secondary concern to me at this point as it will take time for Trigger to develop enough focus to really become quick and fluent in his responses.
House Manners:
We hung a Poochie Bell from the doorknob at the back door (available from He is great about giving it a little jingle when he wants or needs to go out. He is now very consistent about pottying in the dirt areas and not on the lawn and will do it unsupervised. This has made all those nights standing outside in the rain with a flashlight chanting "potty, go potty!" worthwhile.
We disposed of his litterbox a few days ago. I got tired of finding pine shavings covering his pen and bed like a winter snowfall. He's old enough to hold it 5 or 6 hours now, so I let him out about midnight and then get up between 5 and 6 am to let him out again. Thus far, he's done just fine and not had any accidents.
He's stayed out of the garbage except for occasionally running by and nipping out a napkin or coffee filter. I don't have a garbage can with a lid because I want him to respect boundaries and not have to keep the garbage out of his reach. This has worked out fine with Gladys, but she is considerably shorter than he is and I suppose less confronted with temptation.
Chewing has been primarily confined to appropriate chew toys and treats. He has destroyed numerous paper towels and put some tooth marks on the legs of the old couch out in the den. I will refrain from getting too smug as he has officially began teething and kicked it off by losing his first little baby tooth this morning. (bottom front tooth, but still has a lovely smile!)
He plays very gently with Gladys and they share their chew toys, water, kibble, etc. with no problems.
Trigger has a nice "wait" at the back door and will wait for a release to go inside or outside the house. His recall needs plenty more work and I need to get out the long line and go to the park to work on this. Dremmels, grooming and baths are no problem.
Lots of progress has been made in this area. He is definitely a people person and loves to kiss new people and children he meets. He is still very careful when he meets new groups of dogs but after awhile finds a few that he is comfortable with and plays well with them. No signs of aggression when he meets new dogs. Still adores little dogs and is extra gentle with the tiny ones.


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