My First Outing with Trigger
Tonight for my walk with Trigger, we got out our little puppy frontpack carrier. It's like a pack that carries babies close to your belly except it's a pouch to put your puppy in. Randy went out to meet up with some friends he bicycles with, so Trigger and I were on our own. I decided to take a walk to the little mall at the end of our street and see how many new people he could meet.
I took him past Pet Express, (didn't dare go in for fear of exposing him to parvo or one of its nasty cousins) and we went into Blockbusters, McWhorter's and Ross's. I'd say we managed to meet about 6 kids and 5 adults. Trigger was just as quiet as a little titmouse in his pack. He wouldn't touch kibble I brought for him, so on our next walk I will bring something much tastier like freeze-dried liver to help him to relax more. He did finally offer a few kisses to an adorable like girl who just showered him with her affections. He certainly wasn't withdrawing from the attention or new people, nor did I sense any fear. He was just sort of laid back and taking it all in.
I'd say it definitely took a lot out of him. When we got home he did a bit of wrestling with Gladys and shook some kibbles out of one of his kongs then sacked out. And most thankfully, without even a whimper of distress. He's crated around the corner in the kitchen as I type this, and I am very happy to say that he is relaxed and not concerned that Gladys and I are not easily visible. I'll add a picture tomorrow of Trigger in his little puppy carrier.
Wish us luck tonight!
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